Learn to speak confidently
The Beginning
The Voice Business was founded in 1983 in direct response to the need for specialised voice coaching and presentation skills training in the corporate sector. Since then, the popularity of the courses has seen a continuous upsurge.
Developing Nicely
In 1990 courses in Broadcasting, Voice Over and Media Skills were added when all the major TV companies requested presenter training. Shortly after that,Emotional Intelligence became an exciting addition to the already bountiful menu of courses.
Future Directions
We're now in the world of the web so Video Conferencing and Webcasting techniques have become the new skills to have under your belt. Match that with Online Training, and you've got the future in your hands. We at The Voice Business are at the cutting edge of this technology. We welcome you to come and explore it for yourself.
Our Trainers are the best in the business

You're in safe hands.