We offer tailored programs throughout Australia and Internationally. These programs are offered in the following formats:

One-on-one private coaching

Small, medium & large group customised in-house trainings

Online and Skype consultations

TV & Webcast Coaching
Courses to suit everyone! Voice Coaching, Accent Reduction, Media Skills, Presentation Training, Public Speaking and lots more!
Public Speaking
Voice Coaching
Presentation Skills
Emotional Intelligence-Team Communication
Not sure which course is right for you?
feel free to make an online enquiry or contact us by phone for more help.
1300 922 122
It's time to settle in and build your confidence by doing a course.
Wouldn't it be great to be heard and understood; to make a great impression and to earn the respect of your bosses and peers.
Well now you can.
We have training courses and coaching sessions tailored to individually fit you. You can develop your Executive Speaking Skills, Public Speaking prowess, or reduce your accent with Accent Reduction training. You can even learn an accent and do Voice Over and Media Skills training.
You can learn how to speak properly with our Elocution and Vocabulary training and learn to like your voice with our flag ship Personal Voice Coaching Course.
You can develop your ability to speak and present by doing one of our great Presentation Skills Workshops. Or develop your interview skills so you nail that job interview.
And you can even do training in how to look good as a Virtual Presenter and increase your Emotional Intelligence as well !
Join us and learn how to be a confident communicator and explore your vocal intelligence with winning trainers and excellently structured techniques.
Check out the courses above and find the one you like the best. We'll see you soon!