Learning Outcomes
Public Speaking - Individual Training (PSC)
Great for anyone...who wants to speak with confidence.
This course is specifically designed to help you gain confidence and practice in public speaking. During the course you will learn how to move easily through anxiety into enjoyment of the process of speaking and sharing your information and yourself. You will discover how to make what you say interesting and informative so that your audience concentrates on the message and not on judging you, the speaker. You will learn different ways to address different types of gatherings; how to organise your ideas; how to use your voice and body to your advantage and how to use microphones correctly. By the end of the course you should expect to feel a lot more confident and enthusiastic about speaking in public.
© Voice Business 2025
What you will learn:
- Voice Control - breathing, diction, vocal variety and projection- making what you say more thoughtful, powerful, persuasive and interesting-so that others can understand you.
- Body Control - how to move, gesture and use space effectively. Don’t let your body tensions and bad posture undermine your message.
- Material Control - how to organise yourself and your material properly for impact and well thought out speech.
- Self-Control - how to get a grip on your emotions and attitude so that you work well and feel confident as a public speaker.
Schedule & Cost
Swipe Left and Right on the Table Below

Course | Code | Duration | Location | Cost (gst inc) | Type |
Public Speaking -Individual Training | PSC | 4 x 1 hr sessions | Sydney or Online | $1375 | Individual |
Public Speaking-Group Training | PSG | 1 x 8 hr workshop | Australiawide | $1995 pp | Group |
Public Speaking-Weddings, Dinners and Social | PSW | 2 x 40 min sessions | Australiawide | $ 650 | Individual |
Your Speech-Design & Rehearsal | PSR | 2 x 2 hr sessions | Australiawide | $1375 | Individual |
How to give a TED Talk | PTT | 2 x 2hr sessions | Australiawide | $1375 | Individual |
Speech writing | PSS | 1 x 4 hr workshop | Australiawide | $4235 | per Group |
Swipe Left and Right on the Table Below

Classes are available weekdays between 6.00am-6.00pm
Workshops are from 9.00am-4.30pm
The Voice Business,
Berry St, North Sydney,
NSW 2060,
CDs.Mp3 and Work notes included
Post Course Evaluation
A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to each successful candidate.
Cash | Cheque | Invoice | AMEX | DINERS | VISA | MC