We would be honoured to have you and your company join our Client family.

" I was always worried that people were judging me. And you'll remember, when I came to see you my confidence had been shot to pieces by my boss. You helped me get my courage back again. They can all stare at me as long as they like now. I know the secret of staying sane and giving a great presentation under pressure. Cheers and thank you !"
- Sami-Manager,IT Company
"I was embarrassed that not many people seemed to understand me. Personally. I thought they were nuts... until I fixed my accent ! Now I get my message across so much better. Thanks for rescuing me. P.S. The exercises are great ! I'm still doing them.(but don't tell anyone :)"
- Andy W-Technical Director,Computing Firm

" I used to hate the sound of my own voice on my voice mail. Now I use the techniques you taught me to leave interesting messages. I never thought I'd hear myself saying this, but, I even think I sound good."
- Elizabeth S-Lawyer
" I'm much more confident about my voice when I speak to people. It's not only my work that's reaped the rewards, but my social life has improved too. Thanks so much for your help."
- Marjorie-Manager,Retail Chain

"An extraordinary training. Knowing how to control my voice has made me feel so much more confident. My boss and peers have given me glowing reviews for my recent presentations. I am now being seriously considered for that promotion I told you about. Thank you !"
- James-Marketing & Sales Executive
"We got the deal. The team was strong and we played our cards well. The brainstorm we had was well worth it and your help with our presentation was invaluable. We'll be back"
- Martin-Financial Services

"Hi guys, I made it through that interview. Not half as scary as i thought it was going to be. The breathing technique helped a lot and I remembered to open my mouth and stop my usual mumble. Phew. Thanks for your help guys."
- Jon-Uni Student
" I wish I'd known this information years ago. It would have saved me years of embarrassment at meetings."
- Ted P-CEO

"You'll be happy to hear that my new business is going really well. Thanks so much for all your help. It really built my confidence. I have to speak to so many people and introduce myself, and now it doesn't seem to faze me. A miracle! You know how shy I was! Something just must have clicked. Thanks."
- Sally B-Businesswoman
"People told me I had a great voice, but until you showed me how to use it I was stumped as to how to crack into the voiceover industry. Your training course taught me everything I needed to know...from how to deliver different styles of reads, how to use a microphone properly, what to do and what not to do in a studio and even how to market myself properly. And it 's working... and so am I ! Thanks so much."
- Lisa-Voice Over Actor

"Everything is so well presented. You make it easy to understand and do."
- Carol-Personal Assistant to CFO
"Thank you for training our client in how to handle himself in front of the camera and audience. His voice sounded radically different. Gone was the high pitched, nervous tone and in it's place was a confident, flowing communication style. We were amazed and delighted, and it certainly made our job easier. We have no hesitation in recommending your services."
- PR Company

"Thank you for your help. The elocution lessons were really interesting. I have been able to do the exercises well and am getting much better. I have told my friends about your course. "
- Hua-Owner,Export Company
"Ok. So now they say I sound too good. Can you believe it! Just wait til they hear my new podcast, that should knock their socks off!. Catch ya soon for one of your mighty tune up sessions."
- Roger-Social Networker

"Thank you for all the help you gave me.You'll be happy to know I used your projection technique at the community meeting and managed to get heard this time."
- Peter F-Public Servant
Our Clients
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- Blondes,Brunettes & Redheads Salon
- Bluestone Capital Management
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- Boral Ltd
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- Coca Cola Amatil (NZ)
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- Creative World
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- Earthan Group
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- EWL Financial Planning
- Executive Samurai
- Executive Women's Network
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- EY
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- Fairfax Publications
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- Freightsafe
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- Hugo Boss
- Hugo's Restaurant
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- Hunter Valley Coal Chain Coordinator
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- Jansen Newman Institute
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- Jim's Plumbing Service
- JNP Films
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- Johnson & Johnson Medical
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- King & Wood Mallesons Lawyers
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- Leader Newspapers
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- Northern Sydney Local Health District
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- Patrick Ports & Stevedoring
- PeopleSoft
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- Personnel Concept
- Pert & Associates
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- Pixi Photo
- Platinum Seven Property Group
- PNG Government
- Police Credit Union
- Powerhouse Museum
- Premiere Global Services
- Price Waterhouse Coopers
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- Priscillas Model Management
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- Pymble Players
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- QantasLink
- QGC/Shell
- Qld Forensic Mental Health Service
- QLD Treasury
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- Queensland Country Credit Union
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- Stephanie Burns' Training to Train
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- Unysis
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- Woolworths
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