July 31, 2015 - by Jay
Presenting with media- what to do and what not to do
Presenting With Media
Whether you’re new to public speaking or have been giving presentations for years, it’s tempting to believe that adding additional media and incorporating media into your presentations can add versatility, dynamism and extra interest. However, presenting with media requires a light touch and careful consideration.
If you’re considering having a slideshow behind you as you speak, or if you are thinking about including a quirky video or a clip from YouTube into your presentation, ask yourself a series of questions to determine whether or not it’s really necessary, or just an ‘easy’ way to fill up your time as a presenter.
Firstly, ask whether the media you’re presenting falls in line with who you are and the message you are trying to get across. There is a clear distinction between something being vaguely connected to your topic and whether it actively adds value, meaning or emphasis to what you are trying to communicate. Sometimes, even a presentation slide can be distracting and derail focus from what you are trying to get across.
If the media is in line with your message, ask if it is communicating something that you are unable to communicate yourself. Is it adding to what you are saying, rather than simply repeating a part of your message that has already been expressed?
Ask yourself whether the video, presentation or media you want to include is representative of you. Does it chime well with the tone, quality and attitude that you are expressing to your audience? If the answer is no, it could undermine what you are trying to say.
Finally, consider carefully whether it is ‘filler’ material that you are using to take up more time in your presentation. While variety and humour certainly help in any public presentation, your time is far better spent adding value through compelling storytelling, instead of filling up your time with broad, wide-ranging content. The more authentic, genuine and honest you are with your audience, the more engaged, compelled and impacted they will be by what you have to say.