July 31, 2015 - by Jay
Top 5 Persuasive negotiation skills you must know
Top 5 Persuasive Negotiation Tips YouMust Know
While we all have different skills and talents that are inherent to us, there are also a number of universal persuasive negotiation principles that we can all learn from. Here are our top 5 persuasive negotiation tips that you must know and understand.
1. WhenAnd Where
At the core of persuasive negotiation are context and timing. These are the building blocks from which any negotiation can begin. Context, or ‘where’ needs to be considered to set the standard of what’s appropriate and acceptable - a negotiation over dinner and drinks is very different from a negotiation in a board room, for example.
Timing gives parameters in regards to what people want at a given moment. For example, someone younger may want a sporty two-person car, but someone older with a burgeoning family may want a SUV with much more space.
2. Persuasion is impossible without interest
It is utterly impossible to persuade someone of something if they are simply uninterested in what you have to say.The (perhaps unfortunate) truth is that we are all most interested in ourselves and our own narratives - our health, concerns, love lives and financial lives. If you can consistently talk to others about their own lives - you will have them eating out of the palm of your hand. Master the art of talking about others, and you will have their captive attention.
3. Pay It Back
The old adage ‘You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours,’ is more than just a turn of phrase. We’re biologically programmed to help each other out as a species - it’s the best way to make sure that we survive. You’ll find that you can use this inherent human trait in your favour. Even by carrying out the smallest of favours and gestures for others, they will feel compelled to return the favour- even if your ‘ask’ is bigger than the help that you provided in the first instance.
4. Never Give Up
This seems simple and smart in theory, but the number of people who simply give up and fail to persist is staggering. Consistently demonstrate your own value while continuing to ask for what you want, is the most powerful way to be persuasive.
5. Be Generous & Genuine With Praise
Compliments are incredibly powerful, and we are far more likely to trust those who inspire positive emotions in us. Complimenting others genuinely and regularly for things that they aren’t usually given credit for, is a powerful and compelling way to build trust and good will,which is a very powerful starting point for any form of persuasion.