Let's hear it for the Metro!

Announcer Train-ing

Feb 18, 2020 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We've been busy designing and presenting a great course for the brand new Sydney Metro. Their busy controllers and staff needed some professional guidance on how to deliver excellent messages, so we showed them how to do it! Now all they need is for the equipment they announce through to be tweeked a little bit further, so that their well structured messages can be more easily heard in those sleek metro trains and beautiful new stations. 


What a start to 2020!

2020 came in with a challenge...Fire

 Jan 11, 2020 by Contributor - Voice Articles

It's the year that started with mega-challenge for our clients and staff in Australia. Fire, smoke, loss of life....human,flora and fauna. It also started with incredible bravery from our Firefighters and is continuing on, day in day out. Now however....as is the nature of this magical land... regrowth is appearing. We hope that you and your loved ones and staff are safe. Let's all gently regrow together. Life goes on.


Christmas is here again!

Christmas is a time for rest and fun

 Dec 15, 2019 by Contributor - Voice Articles

Well it's almost here. For many of our clients Christmas is a time for family, fun, feasting and celebrations. Carols are sung and stories are told. Not everyone celebrates Christmas of course, however, we wish you all a wonderful end to the year. See our latest Chrismas video on our facebook page and put a smile on your dial. 

Recording for Good

Impressive Lillian Leigh

We have just had the priviledge of working with Lillian on her personal presenting and recording style.

Lillian has just recorded an appeal for The Lung Foundation Australia who are shining a light on Lung Cancer. Lillian tells of the prejudice that many people with lung cancer are faced with. There is so much more to her story. A brave and beautiful woman, being of service to others. You make us proud.

Walking the Talk

Top Executive Advice.

We are old and dear friends with Carolyn Taylor, Global Guru and Coach and Mentor to some of the world's most powerful CEOs and Management teams. Her advice is exemplary and you can find it in her book Walking the Talk and now her new Podcast. Carolyn uses her voice to change the world. Well worth a listen.

Wow! Clients are winning everything!

Well done!

Oct 18, 2019 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We've had a busy month celebrating the wins of our past and present clients. Advertising guru Karla Henwood won again at The Women in Media Awards,EcoEntrepreneur Holley Somerville Knott is up for Young Australian of the year and Keval J is winning our hearts in India. Rock on, warriors!

No problem is too big

What's blocking you ?

Sep 24, 2019 by Contributor - Voice Articles

What is getting in your way as a speaker? Are you feeling unskilled? Embarrassed? Hate your voice? Don't know what to do with your hands? Well guess what. It's all fixable. We have some really good techniques to teach you and some compassionate hearts to help you. We've lost count of the number of people who've said this is the best training they've ever had. So if you're sitting on the fence,dangle your legs a little, hop down and come on safari with us. Let's capture your creativity, talent and confidence and bring it home.

Voiceover.com.au - Our new Site

The New Voiceover Site is here!

Aug 30 2019 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We've had great fun putting together our new site offering Voiceovers for client projects and advertising. It's not every day you get one of the best voiceover actors in the business to deliver a great read for your e-learning courses or corporate narrations. Come and check us out at voiceover.com.au


It's all in the Motion

The Motion Capture Advantage

Jul 18, 2019 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We had a very interesting assignment this month helping with a motion capture project. With motion capture you need to make your face move so that all the dots line up for the many cameras that are simultaneously filming you. Speakers need to remember to move their mouths and relax. Pretty stressful in an odd environment that's for sure. Our reassuring coach helped put the candidate at ease and give a great natural performance.

Value of Voice

What's in a Name

June 28 2019 by Contributor - Voice Articles

Not only does YOUR voice have value...so does the domain name Voice.com. It sold for ....wait for it....$30 million! Holy cow! It is now the highest value domain name in the world. 

One Month to go

The Voice Business Learning Month

May 18, 2019 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We've had a busy month so far. Running speech trainings in Brisbane for virtual presenters; teaching Politicians in Parliament and coaching Chinese and Indian delegates in accent reduction in Sydney. Phew. And there's lots more to come as people are gearing up for the EOFY season. Got some training allowance to spend before the end of the financial year? Come on in and learn to make a great impression with your voice. Get ready to rock the new financial year!

It's Bunny time!

Time to stop the hop!

Apr 18, 2019 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We've had a busy month. Bet you have too. So now it's time to put down your tools and enjoy a little rest and rabbit time. Grab those chocolate eggs and indulge yourself. We'll catch you all again next week. Take care, stay safe and have fun!

The Neutral Voice

To Sir (Siri) with love

Apr 11, 2019 by Contributor - Voice Articles

Move over Siri or should we say move over Sir! A virtual voice has been created to do away with the gender steryotype of the virtual assistant.The new voice of "Q" was created to sound like neither a man nor woman. Interesting. However we think all voices have merit and can be used in many different ways. AI...Are we going too far?


New Suite of Websites

Introducing The Voice Business Sites

Mar 4, 2019 by Contributor - Voice Articles

It's been awhile in the planning,however our new suite of Voice Business Sites are live. Each site relates to a specific course and adds more useful information about what you can learn.


Kicking off the year in NZ.

Auckland and onwards!

Feb 8, 2019 by Contributor - Voice Articles

It's always a pleasure to visit our clients across the ditch. Great fun was had by all and our team was warmed up ready for the New Year of consulting. Next stop Adelaide and Melbourne. Feels like we'll be run off our feet this year. We love it though! Wishing everyone a great start to the year. 


Happy 2019

Come join us as The Voice Business heads the New Year 2019 with you!

Jan 1, 2019 by Contributor - Voice Articles

It's the year for you to stop hiding your talents and finally let go of your fear. Did you know that fear is just "excitement...without the breathing!" Presenting and Public Speaking are learnable skills. You don't have to be a natural "show off"...you just need to understand what to do. We can show you how. Come join us...we're here to help you perform at your best. Make 2019 your best year yet!


Time to Party! OMG!

The festive season is here already.

Dec 2, 2018 by Contributor - Success Stories

How many parties are you going to this season? And how many parties are you avoiding because you're shy, don't know what to say or just give up in noisy, crowded environments? If this is you...come and learn how to rev up your speaking style, mobilise your conversation starters and safely project your voice so people can hear you.

What do you do when you are up against the elements?

Conquering fear.

Nov 15, 2018 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We've had the pleasure of meeting Lisa Blair, sailor extraordinaire, who's off on yet another adventure, this time, circumnavigating Australia. (She's already conquered Antarctica!) She has a great story to tell about being out at sea alone when her mast broke...read her upcoming book "Demasted" to find out how she handled the fear...and look out for her speaking tour where she tackles everyone's fear of public speaking with the same courage.Be inspired.

Getting you "voice-ready" to podcast

The Journey to a Podcast

Oct 7, 2018 by Contributor - Voice Articles

Many people want to voice their own podcast and take sounding good seriously. One such person is Journalist Nina Young, who wrote and recorded her very personal story of her emotional journey into uncovering the truth about her own father in "My father, the Murderer" a six part true crime story. Be sure to tune in on Foxtel.

Yes...Introverts can make great presenters

Not Everyone Needs to be Loud in a Crowd

Sep 28, 2018 by Contributor - Voice Articles

Time for reflection. If you are a natural introvert, or maybe feel you have become more introverted as you've got older, you are going to find taking a course in presenting skills will help your confidence immeasurably. In her book  Quiet:The power of Introverts in a world that can't stop talking, Susan Cain gives some great insights into how an introvert can thrive by facing their fear and learning public speaking. A good read.