High Flyers

Presenting mid air. Now that's cool!

We've had  a lot of fun with this one! Two top execs had to pitch to an international client mid air. We helped them trim their message and work with smaller screens. No need to project their voices in the rarified confines of the lear jet...just make sure everything was clear and interesting. And yes...the pitch went perfectly for these high flyers!

Call Centre Skills

This Team is ready to handle your calls

There is nothing like a team who can handle your calls with care and skill. We had the pleasure of working with the hardworking call center team at Christian Super, ungrading their already impressive telephone skills. Like them, you can learn how to use your voice to build rapport with your caller and sound great on the phone.Check out our Call Centre and Telephone Skills courses. 

Another winning communicator!

Men in White - paint with Words

Congraulations to our valued client Rohan Calvert for leading his business to success in winning the Master Painters' Australia (NSW) Award for Excellence. It takes a lot of good communicating to be the best of the best! 

A Busy Month!

The Voice Business Month ...so far!

We've had a busy month. Training mining execs in Perth; running voiceover and speech trainings in Brisbane;teaching call centre staff in Parramatta and running accent reduction workshops in Sydney. Phew. And there's lots more to come as people are gearing up for the Christmas cocktail season. Come on in and learn to make a great conversational impression with your voice!


Barker Boy hits the big time!

Sensational Seann.

Sep 1, 2013 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We remember you from your high school days Seann. WoW! you've put the passion into your career and your singing and it's about to explode on the UK X Factor ! We notice your American accent work too:) Keep rockin'....and show 'em some Aussi style.Listen to Seann Miley Moore on Youtube...and see how total commitment to your message and dream can bring it home.


She's a winner!

Engineering PHd wins the people over.

Congratulations to Samaneh Pourmohammadimojaveri from Western Sydney University for winning the People's choice award and first runner up placement in the Three Minute Thesis Competition. Our Chief trainer worked with Samaneh and her colleagues from the Infrastructure Engineering Faculty to whip them into shape for for their presentations. Watch out world...there are some exceptionally talented engineers coming your way....who not only can structurally design...but can present their ideas too!


Car fever!

August was the month of the Auto!

Members of the team spent the month travelling to Brisbane  and Melbourne to run trainings for our wonderful clients. We  ran some Executive Presentation Overhauls for a major international car company, a presentation update for a huge taxi transport operator and some business writing and speaking skills coaching for execs from a national energy supplier. Not to mention Sydney voice coaching for our local heroes. 

Three Minutes to tell and sell!

Three minutes is all you've got !

Imagine spending years researching, writing and thinking about a complex topic and then having only three minutes to tell an audience about it! We thought TED talks were tough....but the Three Minute Thesis can be a lot tougher. We're currently running training with PHD students from a couple of major Universities who need to impress with less! And they are rocking it!

Executive Success!

Executives Impress

July 15, 2015 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We are delighted to receive feedback from six of our latest success stories. Three executive men and three executive women showed off their speaking and presenting skills with great flair at a large overseas convention. Each one displayed a natural,easy style that resonated with the mostly Gen X and Y audience. 

The New Site is Here!

Introducing our Web Gurus

The Voice Business is thrilled to announce our hot new site! It was all made possible by these brilliant guys from KingCoda/CakeNKeyboard, who worked tirelessly through blazing days and massive monsoons to bring this baby to life.We cannot recommend them highly enough. They are design and execution genies who bring us all... good Karma!

Lawyers go Virtual

Presenting Virtually

We're currently running an exciting series of workshops for the heroic lawyers and teams from Legal Aid NSW. They have to educate the community on important topics such as domestic violence,teen drug and alchohol use, immigration and many other issues. And they have to do this virtually. We're helping them to learn how to get the most out of their delivery...and they're doing a fine job. We've got a great workshop called Voice Skills for Virtual Presenters that you or your company might find very helpful. Give us call.

North Sydney Council Gives Back

North Sydney Council looks after its Community

North Sydney Council are thrilled to give back to all the organisations and volunteers who help look after the community and make it better. We were excited to be engaged to deliver a rousing 2 hour workshop on how to pitch your message! 

Fun with Ronald McDonald

Supporting the teams that make a difference

We had a fantastic session with the brilliant teams from Ronald McDonald House Charities. These great people are devoted to changing the lives of sick children and their stressed families for the better. We did our small bit to help them get their voices sounding strong and able, so that they can influence, inspire and comfort those in their care.

Media Maven

Another excellent read

We bring you the best in Media Skills with the brilliant Jane Jordan.Check out her excellent book on how to handle yourself in high stakes media interviews. Got a crisis? No problem......if you know how to handle it !

Back from the UK

Voiceover star returns!

We had the pleasure of teaching Felicity Josling when she first started out in the voiceover game. Look at her now! She cracked the business in the tough UK market voicing documentaries,TV commercials,educational programs and overdubbing for film. We knew you could do it! yay! And now...look out Australia!

Election Fever!

Politicians prime their pitches!

State elections are here again and the Pollies are lining up with us for a little Voice Coaching to perfect their pitch. We discretely help lots of Politicians from every side of the fence to sound their best and keep their voices working through many long days and nights of campaigning. Who's going to win? Our lips our sealed!

Another Star in the firmament

The girl to watch

We're thrilled that our lovely Laura has been nominated for the Logies. She is a wonderful performer and has starred in some exciting movies with such luminaries as Liam Neeson, Olivia Newton-John and the vivacious Rebel Wilson...to name a few. She's got a fine voiceover voice too. Come and do a course like she did...and join the stars of the future.

Time to Update your VO Site

Calling all Voice Over Students

This is a great time of year to think about updating your Voice Over Site. If you want a beautiful site to showcase who you are and how you sound,we recommend www.myvoiceoversite.com . Why not check them out.

Next generation

USyd goes "back to the future"

We've been asked "back to the future" by the University of Sydney to prepare the staff team for O-Week. What an inspiring bunch of people. Talking and Motivating students for a whole week is a tough gig. Keep breathing and have fun!

Get ready for fabulous fashion this year

Fashion Blogger-HarperandHarley

Beautiful blogger Sara Donaldson is so talented! Be sure to read her blog and follow her style suggestions on Fashion Bloggers. She is all class! We loved working with her.