Right Royal Problem

Royal Mumble confounds students

May 24, 2017 by Contributor - Voice Articles

Apparently thousands of German school children have failed their final English exam because they couldn't understand dear Prince Harry's royal mumble in their audio comprehension test. Guess we should pass on a few of our handy hints to him! He's not alone in being a mumbler. Fortunately it is a fixable trait. Hope the students have better luck next time :)

Audible Content

Audible Content-Challenge for Voice Artists

When every object you see talks to you and at you life gets loud. Voice artists provide the soundtrack to your life. Or they used to. Now their profession is being severely challenged by technology. It's possible to sample and synthesize voices more realistically these days. Better watch out...your voice might be copied and used for the next interactive refrigerator. Not cool.

Conquer your Fear

Is the fear of public speaking costing you your career?

The most important skills recruiters and employers look for in a candidate were determined by a large survey of employers to be...number 1... “oral communication” number 4...“presentation skills”. Another survey of employees found that a disproportionate number would prefer to let someone else give a presentation, even if it meant losing them respect and opportunities at work. How does having to present affect you? To check out the full article from the BBC for more insights, go to our facebook page.

The Ladies have lots to say

Two Women Talk

It's the year to talk about cultures,children and community. And who to do it better than the lovely Angelina Jolie. Our excitment however, is seeing that her interviewer is none other than one of our original Journalist-TV Presenter clients....Yalda Hakim. She is now a leading lady at the BBC in London.Keep up the great work Yalda. You do us all proud.

The importance of getting it right

Aussi Accent-he nailed it!

Jan 3, 2017 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We help many students and film stars from overseas get their accent right. We were thrilled with the work Dev Patel has done with his Aussi accent. Check out his performance in "Lion"...released later this month. This is what you can achieve if you put in the hard work and get good guidance.

2017 - a new YOU!

The New Year...the New You

Jan 1, 2017 by Contributor - Voice Articles

Time for fun and games...bbq's...surf...and sunshine. Time to dream big and resove to be a better you. If Voice Coaching is something you've been thinking about for awhile...why not make this the year you do something about it. We're here to help you sound great...and it's easier than you think. Activate a huge positive difference in your level of confidence. Put a course in your schedule this year. You'll be pleased you did :)

Happy Christmas to you all!

A Little Christmas Cheer

Dec 24, 2016 by Contributor - Voice Articles

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful time of getting your mind, bodies and lives rested and invigorated for the new year. It's going to be an interesting one....that's for sure! 

Office parties are here again!

The Voice Business Christmas

Dec 19 2016 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We've had another busy year. And there's lots more to come as people are getting ready for the Christmas cocktail season. Shy of talking to others at these office parties? Don't know what to say or how to sustain an interesting conversation with your boss? Come on in and learn to make a great conversational impression with your voice!

Writers speak about their lives

The Beautiful Life

Nov 28, 2016 by Contributor - Voice Articles

Well done to several of our favourites who have written books and gone on to talk about them on TV and radio. The latest to hit the circuit is Jacinta Campbell, with her inspirational book on life and health. We support and enjoy all of our journalists, presenters, bloggers and celebs who we help to share their fun and wisdom with their fans. 

Go Doggies!

The Boys have delivered!

Oct 1, 2016 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We were SO happy! Our boys have pulled off the ultimate win! We have enjoyed working with the Doggies on their speaking and communication skills and now they will be doing a lot more talking for sure! A lot more!!!

My Fair Lady

Voice Coaching....The Musical

Sep 5, 2016 by Contributor - Voice Articles

Our Chief Trainer believes she got her start as a voice coach when she was 9 years old. Being tall, and attending a girls boarding school in England, she was cast as Professor Henry Higgins in Pygmalion (the play upon which My Fair Lady is  based). Like Julie Andrews, she has been speaking beautifully ever since. Go see the show in town now. It's great.

Off to Europe

The Voice Business Month...in Europe

Aug 18, 2016 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We're off to Europe to run training workshops and conduct extensive Accent Studies Research Forums.Nothing like hearing the natives first hand. The Voice Business distinguishes itself as a preferred provider of accent reduction courses as well as the reverse....accent aquisition! Who needs an accent ?...movie stars do!...stay tuned for some impressive performances coming in the New Year.


Congratulations to a Communications Champion

Celebrating the not-so-Quiet Achiever

Jul 7, 2016 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We've had the pleasure of working with most of the chiefs of industry in Australia and NZ and David Stewart has been one of the humblest and understated big achievers we've met. Never one to blow his own horn, he has been singled out by the Communications Industry as the receiver of  the Communications Ambassador for 2016 Award for years of valuable and innovative leadership and contribution. David gave a warm,sincere speech that applauded his fellows and celebrated his belief in his innovative work. He was very well received...well done. Well loved.

End of Financial Year Improvements

Budgets used to improve staff

Jun 10, 2016 by Contributor - Voice Articles

It's the end of financial year here in Australia and companies and staff are taking advantage by spending up big to improve their skill sets before the clock strikes EFY. Wisely investing in communication skills....voice, presentation,media and conferencing ...many are choosing to update virtual communication skills with our courses.Come and check them out!

Polo and Pearls

Fascinating topics to talk on

We are always amazed at the versatility of our clients and the topics they are asked to speak on. This month we learnt about Polo in Mongolia and Pearling in the Top End of Australia. Have you got a speech coming up? Come and develop it with us.

Creating your Vision

Getting your Vision Clear

Mar 28, 2016 by Contributor - Voice ArticleIf you need to pitch your company Vision of Mission to the troops, it's important to formulate a clear and catchy message. No use communicating using those "same old...same old" tired phrases that crop up on so many company mission boards and websites. Come in for a pitching update.  We have some great skills to teach you. 

Leap into Life

It's Leap Year...and anything's possible

Feb 29, 2016 by Contributor - Voice Articles

We always celebrate Leap Year at the Voice Business because one of our staff only gets to have her birthday every 4 years! So it's a real excuse to party! How do you celebrate with your team? We totally believe in having lots of fun mixed in with hard work. Enjoy your day!


Rocking into February

Lots on this Month

We are at it again! Racing across the country running training workshops and building teams that can communicate with power and precision.We are seeing many of the manufacturing and airline clients reaching for the stars and helping many of our TV stars brush up their skills for their new TV presenting challenges.Time to dust of your shoes and get into the playful Year of the Monkey.


2016-The Year to have Fun!

Come join us as The Voice Business heads the New Year 2016 with you!

Jan 1, 2016 by Contributor - Voice ArticlesIt's the year of the Monkey and that means...fun..and lots of it! Time for you to stop hiding your talents and finally let go of your fear. Did you know that fear is just "excitement...without the breathing!"Presenting and Public Speaking are learnable skills. You don't have to be a natural "show off"...you just need to understand what to do. We can show you how.

Come join us...we're here to help you perform at your best. Make 2016 your best year yet!

Compliments of the Season

Christmas fun begins!

Dec 16, 2015 by Contributor - Success Stories

When you have developed your talent, it's great to be able to share it with others. You'll have lots of chances this Christmas to showcase yourself and speak with newfound confidence. Keep up the good work guys and gals. You deserve not just lots of presents...but lots of presence! Well done. Warm Wishes from all of us at The Voice Business. See you in the New Year!