A woman knows best

This lady knows her stuff

One lady who really impressed us was Sarah Wilson. She writes brilliantly, blogging on topics of interest to everyone. She puts in an impressive performance wherever she goes, and speaks well on TV, radio and podcasts. Get her great book "I quit sugar" and improve your health. All good communicators need a healthy body and healthy mind. Go Sarah!

MKR 's Frenchman cooks up a storm

Manu ,by any other name, is just as sweet

We at The Voice Business, love our chefs. They follow the recipe, taste the techniques and bake their talents into delicious dishes. They have french accents, spanish accents, british accents, italian accents and aussi accents....and they all WORK HARD. Manu, Pete, Miguel, Neil, Luke, George, Donna,Guy ....we love you. Catch you for a meal at your place soon.

Voice Over stars of the Future!

Voice Over guys make good

We're thrilled that the latest bunch of our voiceover trainees have gone from strength to strength. They've got great demos, websites are up and careers are unfolding in the Advertising industry. Steady as she goes....well-trained voiceover talent is stampeding your way.

The Big End of Town gets talking.

Corporates send Top Execs for a little vocal TLC.

The guys and gals from the big end of town are secretly sneaking through our front door. They've been told ( ahem...politely..) to DO SOMETHING about their speaking skills. A little upgrading never hurt anyone. Besides, we never tell on you !

Weather Man top of his game

Weatherman tells all

One of our favourite weather men, ABC's Graham Creed, has an incredibly tricky job to do. He has to sound interesting and authoratitive,informative and breezy, all while looking at a weather map that isn't where you think it is. Graham shows you what a trained voice can do when you use vocal variety in your message.May the sun keep shining on your career Graham!

The Mayor has spoken

Elegance and Eloquence

Cr Carol Provan JP CMC, former Mayor of the Sutherland Shire, puts her money where her mouth is. Carol is not afraid to speak out on issues she believes in. She has developed her speaking talents to encompass delivering beautiful and moving wedding celebrations, as well as hosting numerous events as MC. Carol is not only supremely elegant, she is also delightfully eloquent.

Robert Kiyosaki inspires

Keep Learning so you can keep earning

Many years ago the Inspiring Robert Kiyosaki invited our Chief Trainer to talk to his seminar attendees all about how to use their voice. The talk was brilliant and we're pleased to see that Robert is using his voice techniques to superb effect many years later.

MTV's Kate Peck..Crazy lady does Kokoda Trail!

Kate Peck does Kokoda Trail

The Lovely Kate put her studies and media appearances aside to head north up the Kokoda trail. Will nothing stop this girl! Already a hit on MTV , Kate is a motor head, tomboy and super femme on the catwalk. Go girl!

Martial Art of Speaking

Martial Arts Instructor takes to the Announcer Ring

Don't mess with this Corporate Combat Instructor! Hays Daewoud is the MAN! He can whip your team into shape fast, he can manage (or advertise) your company and he can use his trained voice to announce in the ring to thousands of cheering fans. We're in awe of you sir!

Stockbrokers learn to project

How not to lose your voice

There's a big difference between yelling and being loud enough to be heard. We've taught the guys on the floor how to project their voice without losing it.

Lawyers take heed

What's under that wig?

We've taught a few barristers in our time and each and everyone of them was brilliant at taking off John Cleese. They were equally brilliant at using their voices...after we'd put them on the dock and cross-examined them on their skills!

The Girl with the Squeaky Voice

Emily-the Girl with the squeaky voice

People often ask if they have the "voice" for voiceover work. There are many hidden stars out there and Emily Holt is one of them. She's trained and crazy and ready to rock....and ...she does it all with a squeaky voice. Coming to a cartoon near you.

Angus Stewart-the gardener presents

Planting the seed and reaping the rewards

When you have a special talent, it's great to be able to share it with others. Angus Stewart does just that. He's a shy guy who's learned to breathe and get on with the show. He is a career pioneer, who's tended to his learning and has reaped the rewards. Excellent.

In the News

The Voice Business writes for you

We at The Voice Business are often asked for interviews and insights. We're happy to help you too. Just give us a call on 1300 922 122 and we can chat about Voice ,Presentation, Public Speaking, Accent Reduction....infact anything to do with making a good impression!

Jak Wyld -actor extraordinnaire!

Jak Wyld

We admire all the actors that come to us to perfect their skills.They're smarter than the rest. Jak Wyld is definitely one to watch. Great range, depth and vocal skill. Catch Jak in his upcoming movie "the 25th Reich".

Jesinta goes from strength to strength.

Jesinta Campbell

Another lovely gal who is doing a lot of speaking these days .Always stylish and full of kindness, good sense and fun. We hear great things about you Jesinta.

Princess power!

Princess Power!

We love to help ladies sound a little bit royal! After all, it helped our very own Mary Donaldson didn't it! Look at her now. The Voice Business has a few words to say about sprucing up your act. Learn to articulate like a Queen and pronounce like a princess!

MKR favourite son moves into VoiceOver

Matt uses his vocal skills

If you watched My Kitchen Rules you would have seen our favourite son,Matt Newell, give his dear old Dad a run for his money. He's now turned his incredible talents to VoiceOver. So think about hiring this guy to not only bake the cake but advertise it for you too!

Take care of your Voice, and it will take care of you!

How to take good care of your Voice

It's important to look after your vocal health. After all, you're going to need that voice of yours to last you for years. Check out this article we wrote for Good Medicine magazine.

Qantas Pilots fly with new vocal skills

Qantas Pilots use their voice to make you feel OK

That Captain who addresses you on the PA of your next flight could just be one of the several we have taught to use their voice to make you feel secure. They take their duties very seriously. So using their voice well to communicate is a "must have" skill.